MLTS Certificate of Proofreading Ability: British English (Coming Soon)


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An online test (approximately 20-30 minutes) to receive the MLTS Certificate of Proofreading Ability for American English.

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Take this online test (approximately 20-30 minutes) to receive the MLTS Certificate of Proofreading Ability for British English. This test measures your ability to successfully proofread translations into English, regardless of the source language. You are not expected to be familiar with the source language in this test, and for this reason you are not expected to be responsible for translation accuracy beyond a proofreader’s typical duties: checking for missing text, incorrect numbers, incorrect number and date formats, misspelling in the target language, and incorrect grammar in the target language.

Upon successful completion of the test, your certificate and badge will be e-mailed to you immediately.

To pass this test, we recommend that you be a native speaker of British English, or with extensive experience reading and writing in this dialect.


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